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作者:未知  文章来源:互联网  点击数  更新时间:2005-10-29 20:29:19  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

  1. Mounting(骑上) his horse, the bandit(土匪) rode off.

  2. A soldier, wounded(受伤) in the Great War, came limping(一跛一跛的) by.



  现在分词(Present Participle, 如mounting)和动名词(Gerund)一样,都是在动词尾加上ing构成;而过去分词(Past Participle,如 wounded)则是在动词尾加上 ed, en,d, t 所构成。


  1.1 分词放在被修饰的名词之前

  1. That"s an interesting story. (现在分词interesting, 名词story)

  2. I hear a barking dog. (barking, dog)

  3. I have often seen falling stars. (falling, stars)

  4. There is great danger in approaching(靠近) a wounded tiger. (过去分词wounded, 名词tiger)

  5. A burnt child dreads(惧怕) the fire. (burnt, child)

  1.2 如果是分词词组,则放在被修饰的名词之后

  1. The boy hurt by the car was sent to the hospital immediately. (名词boy, 分词词组hurt by the car)

  1.3 如果被修饰的名词是 something, anything, everything, nothing 等,分词也放在它们的后面

  1. There is nothing interesting. (名词nothing, 分词interesting)

  2. I felt something crawling up my leg. (something, crawling)

  1.4 如何分辨作为定词的分词或动名词

  1. 分词是"有动词性的形容词",如: I can hear him singing a song.

  2. 动名词是"有动词性的名词",如: I do not like his singing.

  3. 分词和名词间有"主谓关系",  如:a swimming girl  (游泳的女孩)(你可说:女孩游泳)

  4. 动名词和名词间没有"主谓关系",如:a swimming pool(游泳池)(但你不能说:水池游泳).

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