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《众生相 GESICHTER 1-4 BBC EXKLUSIV》(The Human Face 1-4 BBC EXKLUSIV)德语版,字幕到射手网下载
中文名称:众生相 GESICHTER 1-4 BBC EXKLUSIV 英文名称:The Human Face 1-4 BBC EXKLUSIV 别名:人类的面孔(大陆)/五官奥妙(台) 版本:德语版,字幕到射手网下载 发行时间:2004年 地区:英国,德国 语言:德语 简介:

GESICHTER (DVD), Teil 1 Von Angesicht zu Angesicht / Zum Star geboren

GESICHTER (DVD), Teil 2 Das Gesetz der Schonheit / Die Maske des Lachens
剧情简介: 它是你头颅上的四十四根肌肉?还是你身份的身徵?每个人也拥有一张面孔,但你对它的认识有多少?本节目将会为观众解述一切有关面孔的秘密。约翰基斯(John Cleese)是康乃尔大学的教授,同是也身兼演员及喜剧主持人,他亦曾执笔以风趣幽默的语言,阐述心理学学术上对面孔的各种看法,此著作畅销各地,该书中内容包括面孔的来源、功用;它与性、沟通的关系;它的身份象徵及表情的解读等。在本套节目中,约翰会与名模伊丽莎伯凯莉(Elizabeth Hurley)一同演出,此外他更会邀请其他嘉宾参与演出,包括:麦可帕林(Michael Palin)、皮尔斯布洛斯南(Pierce Brosnan)、琼瑞佛斯(Joan Rivers)、甘蒂丝柏根(Candice Bergen)、大卫艾登堡(David Attenborough)等。
英语片名:The Human Face 1-4 DVD发行时间: 8. September 2004 语言:德语 片长: 86+86分钟 画面比例:4 : 3 类型:科普/记录 导演:David Stewart 编剧:John Cleese 主演:John Cleese 约翰克里斯.... Host David Attenborough 大衛艾登堡祿.... Himself Candice Bergen 甘蒂絲柏根.... Herself Pierce Brosnan皮爾斯布洛斯南 .... Himself Mali Finn .... Herself Charles Fleming .... Himself William Goldman .... Himself Kevyn Major Howard .... Himself Elizabeth Hurley 伊莉莎白赫莉.... Various roles Michael Palin 麥克帕林.... Applicant/peasant Joan Rivers 瓊瑞福斯.... Herself Michael Rix .... Himself Prunella Scales .... Pet shop owner/wife

FACES (DVD), part 1, Born from face to face / Zum star
Everyone has a face. However what do we really know about it? This documentation is the extensive answer to all questions to the human face, whose construction and function as well as the expression, the personality and his awareness.
John Cleese. actors comedian professor at the Cornwell University and successful author of psychological books, factual analysis connects with English humor in order to discover the face of the human being.
John Cleese to the side get along Elizabeth Hurley, Michael Palin, Pierce Brosnan, Joan Rivers, Candice mountains and David Attenborough.
FROM FACE TO FACE For under 6 billion faces, everyone is unique. A gaze back on over 500 million years of the evolution puts the question, like the first face looked and why it then became so, as it simply is today. It keeps an eye on acknowledgment and affiliation and it to generally say goes, whether the bearer feels well in it. Can one trust testimonies if they identify an alleged criminal?
TO THE STAR BORN Beautiful faces look at us from all sides. You/they sell products, politics, fame and power. We observe three budding actors with the Casting-Test. The history of the beautiful faces is documented further - from old coins and statues up to present-day films and magazine titles.
FACES (DVD), part 2, The law of the beauty / the mask of the laughter
Everyone has a face. However what do we really know about it? This documentation is the extensive answer to all questions to the human face, whose construction and function as well as the expression, the personality and his awareness.
John Cleese. actors comedian professor at the Cornwell University and successful author of psychological books, factual analysis connects with English humor in order to discover the face of the human being.
John Cleese to the side get along Elizabeth Hurley, Michael Palin, Pierce Brosnan, Joan Rivers, Candice mountains and David Attenborough.
THE LAW OF THE BEAUTY What is beauty? Is the beauty ideal different world-wide or is it a pure taste question? Big eyes, satin skin, full lips and symmetrical proportions are felt as beautiful world-wide, however, they arrange health and fertility. Beauty proves to be springboard in the occupation, for wealth, prestige and sex.
THE MASK OF THE LAUGHTER We constantly send out news about our expression and often enough reveals true feelings our face. We visit a Japanese school of the smile and experience the heaven of the laughter in India.
BBC 2004; in license of BBC Worldwide.
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