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【英语学习心声】我就是那只踩不死的小强         ★★★
作者:未知 文章来源:互联网 点击数: 更新时间:2011-07-11 12:30:54

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The time for me to learn English is quite long, almost 13 years. When I was little, my parents, like many others, believed that the earlier children learn another language, the better performance they will achieve. Thus the after-school English class became a kind of compulsory for me.

初学英语 我就是那只踩不死的小强

But the first four or five years of learning was almost unproductive. Not until my enrollment in college, my English grammar was in chaos and what I had was just a “hunch” for English. But it is quite strange that I never felt repulsive about English. On the contrary, the strong wish to become better and the firm belief that I had the capability propelled me to major in English.

走进大学 从语言学角度品味英语

After the four years of painstaking study in college, my English competency truly had a great leap and I was amazed at the new and rich thoughts language had brought to me. Now, I can appreciate it from a wholly unique perspective, that is linguistic approach and its beautiful structures and power to generate infinite variations out of finite rules really struck me. After realizing how little I have learnt, the passion for furthering my study become inexhaustive.


Many friends of mine majoring in other subjects always asked me how to learn English better in a short term. My answer is that it is almost impossible, the only way to learn any kind of languages is large amount of input and larger amount of output, besides that, all is useless. 


Nowadays many English training programs boast that students who performed poorly in English passed proficiency tests with quite high score after few months of intensive thrill. Dose it mean that the students are versed in English? Definitely not, they are just good test-taker without having a taste of language and giving any dignity to it.


We can never cram up a language, it requires long-term consistent accumulation. The reason is that every language is inextricably intertwined with its cultural, social background and it cannot be thoroughly learnt in isolation. Therefore, to get fully access to its culture is essential. For me, reading English newspapers and original English novels, watching all kinds of talk shows and movies are obligatory and I would jog down beautiful expressions and look for every new word in dictionary.

As for output, that is speaking and writing, I have practiced much less and although these abilities can be correspondingly enhanced through reading and listening, still they cannot achieve the advanced degree.


That second language or languages are hard to learn may largely due to its huge quantity of vocabulary and grammar. It may have happened thousands of time that the words you spent an hour to remember may be totally forgotten after one night. The complicated grammars entangle with each other and you stared at one sentence for hours without any idea about it. I have also been “tortured” for many years, especially the sentence structures and tense in English which are quite different from Chinese.


But gradually I found that I always come up with Chinese sentences in mind and then interpreted them into English. Therefore, when there was no corresponding structure or word in English, I cannot spoke a single word. So I tried to understand and remember English words without the translation process and recite original English expressions. To my surprise, it became much easier to speak since I did not desperately search for counter-expressions but use what I learnt in English.


For me, the biggest rewarding in learning English is that the ultimate goal for being highly proficient is factually not the ultimate achievement but an access to much bigger world. That is to say language become a vehicle which convenience us to be exposed to more kinds of knowledge.

For instance, without the mastery of English, I could only read the translated version of English novels which is sometimes not as tasteful as the original ones; I may lost the chance to know a confidant with whom the only difference between us may be just the language we speak; I may never know how diversity the world is; I may never ever find that how unique and amazing my mother tongue is. What is most important is that I may never think about the world in a brand new perspective.


Learning English is not simply to manipulate a language, but to be fully exposed to another culture and ideology. It may be tough sometimes, but the joyfulness and excitement it brought to me are immense. It is a journey worth pursuing.


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