%PY啃[ Reality 战场下载 )矜83l@鳒 ?繬_E?[ -玛?? met you by surprise i didn't realize c|???镀 that my life would change forever ?踁w\榻? saw you standing there 實?露 i didn't know i cared 猿揇j宽5? there was something special in the air dreams are my reality ???? the only kind of real fantasy 攳奃$咑c? illusions are a common thing 捌}聶愷Qi i try to live in dreams f岺螥|]$ it seems as it's meant to be %Z脳D嗺 dreams are my reality ??~4躆 a different kind of reality r禘憡|O枾 i dream of loving in the night T緲QC佅? and loving seems alright 嘉?衰包 although it's only fantasy 鍩f暤p爘 if you do exist honey don't resist ;Y在 show me a new way of loving ~轖o( W鳻 tell me that to do show me what to do ク襧谂嘼 i feel shomething special about you gu?L喒/? dreams are my reality R嶑糞/∟? the only kind of reality DK may be must fool is ness has past 醙最毠uj9? and may be now at last 禂詓⒏?A? i'll see how a real thing can be bM寝縗 dreams are my reality 綟?d臣楉 a wonderous world where i like to be wn漆0yм? i dream of holing you all night and holing you seem try 箎>饄B{:? perhaps that's my reality 胃?鲮鰎? met you by surprise i didn't realize 謽盌 that'my life would change forever J纴??? tell me that it's true feelings that are you P⿲孼筢l平 i feel something special about you 粵翴誏3V%? dreams are my reality ,W?守? a wonderous world where i like to be 诘'V!蠌 illusions are a common thing b絅4:4*:弼 try to live in dreams #籃奋` although it's only fantasy 俲虉[4優`{ dreams are my reality ?輷跒&? i like to dream of you close to me GUmp隔t? i dream of loving the night 县_#2r?逫 and loving you seem try 梳8L廤娍Z: perhaps that's my reality 囈?快L 凭悝"B訮 c嬿QFEn 无意中遇见你, 我并不了解, 生命将从此改变 樶镕v('? 看见你伫立, 我不知道自己在意空气中有种特殊气氛 d塋Z[eX? 梦境是我的真实, 唯一真实的梦幻 幻想已经很平常 尾%阻aP X 我试著活在梦境里, 彷彿注定就该如此 梦境是我的真实 ┦Y*厐G卒? 完全不同的真实 我梦见夜晚中相爱 而相爱如此自然, `!?w 虽然这只是梦幻 假若你真的存在, 亲爱的别抗拒, 奆rY9帗?? 为我展现爱的新方式 告诉我这是真的, 教我怎么做 寺a毓朝?? 我对你你有特殊感觉 梦境就是我的真实, 唯一的真实 G危0'?澍? 或许我不再愚昧 D?o?敻? 我将拭目以待如此真实的感觉进入我的生命中 j7 ?? 梦境就是我的真实, 一个我沈浸的奇幻世界 ,烒v?? 我梦见拥抱你整夜, 拥抱你似乎很自然, ?"?夞簵? 或许这就是我的真实 无意中遇见你 鱎補?枑 我从不知我的生命将从此改变 我对你有种特殊情愫 ?eM?A?? 梦境就是我的真实, 一个我沈浸的奇幻世界, 窫访?俭9` 幻想已经很平常 我试著活在梦境里, 虽然它只是幻梦 臓R儅綫/(? 梦境就是我的真实 我喜欢梦见你靠近我 莿}樲HZ? 我梦见夜晚中相爱, 相爱这么自然 或许这就是我的真实 韖Gc=爴Q抭 [??[?鬍 蚤+?畡詉u ?乵"伛 your eyes 鞦瘬oFt捺 凓xP澎0}nJ Your eyes open wide as I looked your way `鉶兄[ Couldn't hide what they meant to say ?v捩? Feeling lost in the crowed room 惊儢H饐#? It's too soon for a new love 鮃芤櫊r? Refrain 1: 铁2?}.KZ] When you smile your eyes show your heart 葂E聫4 Lost inside a suit torn apart O蓔=婘,揷k Feeling alone with people around 鱕嘃#餄 True love is so hard to find now 礒動J焴? You think you're so misunderstood a殸籋e;{>? I'd explain if only I could something =稟G?椞? tells me this time it's real Nk?頻j?w The way that I feel Your eyes like 姰陙熃鄼? the blue in the summer skies 衒掀?坩 Caught my gaze as I looked across I~瘕@敺 Feeling lost in a magic maze ??(澱弿 It's too soon for a new love