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作者:佚名 文章来源:本站原创 点击数: 更新时间:2005-06-12 08:06:27
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1)Bread and butter ____ what Americans usually have for breakfast.

  A) are B) is C) was D) were

  2)Each boy and girl ____given a gift on Christmas Day.

  A) is B) are C) were D) was

  3) Nobody but Jack and Jane ____ made great progress in the class recently.

  A) have B) has C) had D) has been

  4) Jim is the only one of the staff members who ____to be promoted.

  A) are B) have been C) is D) has been

  5) Many a child ____to walk before he can speak

  .A) learn B) learns C) learned D) have learned

  6) Not only he but also I ____to work hard and pass the exam.

  A) want B) wants C) wanted D) wanting

  6) Every means ____tried but with no end.

  A) have been B) have had C) has been D) are

  7) My house and home ____ at 108 Maryland.

  A) are B) is C) were D) is being

  8) A horse and carriage ____ not much used nowadays

  .A) is B) are C) were D) is to be

  10) Many a writer of newspaper articles ____ to writing novels.

  A) has turned B) have turned C) being turned D) are going to turn

  11) Either the teachers or the president ____ the meeting

  .A) attends B) attend C) are attending D) have attended

  12) Neither of your suggestions ____ sense.

  A) makes B) make C) is made D) are made

  13) None of your projects ____.

  A) working out B) work out C) is worked out D) are worked out

  14) Going to bed early and getting up early ____ a good habit.

  A) is B) are C) were D) was

  15) Statistics ____ his most difficult subject and they are all worried that he won't pass the test.

  A) is B) are C) was D) were

  16) Statistics ____ that most of the published and quoted scientific articles are related to medical science.

  A) has shown B) is shown C) show D) shows

  17) Everyone who read Women in Love said it ____ one of the best books by Lawrence

  .A) is B) was C) had been D) has been

  18) The teacher told us that to remember details, it ____ important to take notes while listening to the lecture.

  A) would be B) had been C) was D) is

  19) A series of debates between the major candidates ____ scheduled for the Labor Day weekend last week.

  A) is B) are C) was D) were

  20) Two hundred and fifty pounds ____ too unreasonable a price for a second-hand car.

  A) is B) are C) were D) be

  21) Twenty minutes ____ a long time for one who waits.

  A) seem B) seems C) seemed D) are seemed

  22) David is one of the boys who ____ a driving license.

  A) has B) have C) isshavingsD) are having

  23) The audience ____ their seats in the music hall.

  A) are taking B) is taking C) are taken D) was taking

  24) The salesman told me that a good set of tires ____ guaranteed to run at least fifty thousand miles.

  A) was B) were C) had been D) will be

  25) Up to now, the majority of the undergraduates ____ enrolled for this selected course.

  A) has been B) have C) had been D) would have been

  26) The police ____ asked that anyone who saw the accident should get in touch with ____.

  A) have...them B) has...him C) have...him D) has...them

  27) I don't think one hundred dollars ____ a big sum of money to him.

  A) will be B) would be C) is D) are

  28) None of the shops in the downtown ____ before 8 pm.

  A) is going to be closed B) will be closing C) is closing D) are being closed

  29) Five multiplied by two ____ten.

  A) is equal B) equals C) equal with D) equal to

  30) My friend and classmate Paul ____ motorcycles in his spare time.

  A) race B) races C) is raced D) is racing


  1)B 2)A 3)B 4)C 5)B

  6)A 7)C 8)B 9)A 10)A

  11)A 12)A 13)B 14)A 15)A

  16)C 17)B 18)D 19)C 20)A

  21)B 22)B 23)A 24)A 25)A

  26)A 27)C 28)A 29)B 30)B

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