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这是一篇会英法双语才能看懂的文章         ★★★★
作者:沪江网 文章来源:fr.hujiang.com 点击数: 更新时间:2016-06-22 11:08:56
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有人问你:Do you have any question ?

你说:No, merci, monsieur.

有人问你:Do you speak english ?


最近,一个叫做Jeremy Hazan的蒙特利尔青年所写的一篇文章走红网络。




Like beaucoup de Montréalais, I’m bilingual.

And j’ai realisé that there were no bilingual publications à Montréal, which means there were never aucun bilingual articles. So j’ai décidé d’écrire the world’s first article bilingue that you could read without stopping to think.

Let’s see si tu peux lire this text seamlessly.

I grew up dans une maison where both mes parents spoke en Français, however they put me in une école anglaise when I was very young. According to language laws I had to go to French school, but I guess la loi didn’t apply pour l’école maternelle.

Since j’avais seulement trois ans, my brain was comme une éponge, so I was fully bilingual by the time I started grade one.

It was un grand avantage growing up à Montreal. When I went to French school I wasn’t le meilleur élève, mais I always had amazing grades dans mes cours d’Anglais which was a nice bonus.

It was also très pratique quand you’re watching a movie with French dialogue et que t’as pas besoin de lire les sous-titres.

What was vraiment intéressant was when my inside voice a commencé à penser en Anglais. Je ne me rappelle pas when it happened exactly, but I remember being triste about it. I enjoyed being bilingual, and tout à coup I couldn’t control it anymore. 

Whenever j’étais tout seul, I would think in English. And aujourd’hui when I try to think in French it’s actually très difficile.

It’s one of the plusieurs problèmes of being bilingue à Montreal.

En voici a few more:


You become un traducteur for the unilingual people dans ton groupe. Now t’es coincé à traduire all the French menus. I’m sorry, I have no idea what une “tête de violon” is and I don’t plan on finding out.


Je ne peux plus spell words anymore, knowing deux langues has really messed up my spell checking abilities. Est-ce-qu’on dit “centre” or “center”, I never know anymore.


Living à Montréal, tu pick up beaucoup d’expressions québécoises that don’t mean shit to anyone else. I remember the struggle of asking where the dépanneur is in the US, parce que j’ai soudainement oublié comment dire “convenience store.”


Des fois there’s the same word in French et en Anglais but they have totally different meanings. If you order an entrée in French you’ll get salad, mais en Anglais you’ll get un steak. If you want a “petite bite” of something, ne le dis pas en Français because you just requested a “little penis” instead of “small bite.”

The Language Debate

Si t’es tanné of the language debate, think about how bored bilingual Montrealers are of this topic. Pour nous it’s meaningless, we don’t struggle to read or talk so to us it just looks comme un groupe de dumb asses arguing over rien.

Being an asshole par erreur

Being bilingual means you have une responsabilité to remember qui parle quelle langue. Parce que you don’t want to be rude and leave anyone out of la conversation. Il y a trois différents doormen in my building, 2 are French and 1 speaks English, et je ne me rappelle jamais c’est lequel.


I always worry about losing mon Français. Tous mes amis speak in English so I parle pas en Français as often as I used to. Des fois I find myself not remembering the French word for something. Ça veut dire qu’il faut que je pratique both languages constantly to make sure I don’t forget one of them.

I’m not going to vous mentir, being bilingual causes quelques problems, mais it’s a lot better in general. It can make you plus intelligent, it helps prevent alzheimers, and it can even lead to une meilleure sex life.

Simply reading this article has given your brain a nice little workout and has helped improve your cognitive processing power. So, tell your brain I said “de rien”.









(左: 英语  中:中文  右:法语)

elevator 电梯 ascenseur

rubbish 垃圾 ordures

fall 秋天 autumn

advice 建议 conseil

already 已经 déjà

apple 苹果 pomme

bag 包 sac

boy 男孩 garçon

book 书 livre

butterfly 蝴蝶 papillon




(左: 英语 中:中文  右:法语)

apartment 公寓 appartement
metro 地铁 métro

program 节目 programme

color  颜色 couleur

april 四月 avril

banana 香蕉 banane

baggage 行李 bagage

blue 蓝色 bleu

button 纽扣 bouton

center 中心 centre



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