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新东方·雅思写作         ★★★★
作者:淘宝掌柜 文章来源:淘宝网 点击数: 更新时间:2009-10-29 15:39:53
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  • 淘宝价格:33.8
  • 宝贝类别:其它外语
  • 累计销售:0
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\ 《雅思写作》为英文版。This set of course consists of four separate books, each providing specialized study activities for the four different areas of the IELTS test. You can focus on the areas where- you need the most to help your preparation.Each book features:Up-to-date and accurate information about IELTS test requirements.
Strategies for test success.
Thorough and extensive coverage of topics which are commonly encountered in the IELTS test.
Exercises and activities which have been based on a close analysis of the language requirements of the IELTS test.
Extensive vocabulary exercises, closely related to the language you will need to read, listen to,speak or write in the test.
Well planned and designed materials to help you to understand common language for the listening and reading tests.
Carefully guided and graded activities to help you to produce the English you will need in the wrting and speaking. \

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\ 《雅思写作》是由西安交通大学出版社出版发行的。 \

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Unit 0 Introduction
Unit 1 Fast Food
Unit 2 Sport
Unit 3 Media
Unit 4 Youth Issues: Computer Use
Unit 5 Education: Study Abroad
Unit 6 Advertising
Unit 7 Education: Schools
Unit 8 Environment
Unit 9 Food
Unit 10 Censorship
Unit 11 Transport
Unit 12 Leisure Activities
Unit 13 Technology
Unit 14 Money and Finance
Unit 15 Youth Issues
Unit 16 Commodities and Manufactured Goods
Unit 17 Social Issues: Population
Unit 18 International Events
Unit 19 Technology: Communication
Unit 20 Environment: Tourism
Vocabulary Bank
Answer Key
…… \ [看更多目录]\

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\ Dear Student,
Thank you for choosing to study for the IELTS with New Oriental.This book is the long anticipated result of a close cooperation betweenNew Oriental and international IELTS experts to develop our own IELTStraining materials.We believe it offers a different approach,with thefollowing features:
First of all,the language used is likely what you will encounter in a realclassmom 0r work setting while living abroad.The setting of each dialogueis also consistent with how you might encounter English as used by nativespeakers in their own country.
Also,under the guidance of renowned professor Rod Ellis,our partnerinternational research team has delivered a proven methodology for ensuringthe intended acquisition of needed skills for IELTS test takers in speaking,listening,reading and writing.
And most importantly,this book incorporates ten years of IELTS trainingexperience by the very best teachers at New Oriental,and therefore has beencustomized to suit the needs of Chinese students.
I sincerely hope that together with these materials New Oriental teacherscan nlake your IELTS classroom fruitful and rewarding.Enjoy your learningtime with New Oriental!
Zhou Chenggang
新东方教育科技集团常务副总裁 \

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\ 插图:

Unit 11 Transpoli
Model Answers:
Model 1
In the past twenty years,the amount of traffic onthe roads has greatly increased,and this has leadto many problems with traffic J ams and pollutionin inner city areas.Some countries have limitedthe use of cars in the inner city by charging feesor restricting the days on which people can driveint o the c i ty.This approach has some disadvantages.buton the whole it is a good solution to the problems of inner citytraffic.
Restricting car traffic in the city can make it very difficult forsome people to do their daily work.For example,movingquickly to meetings is very important for businessmen,and ifthey have no car,this will create problems for them.Inaddition,it is important for disabled people or for families withyoung children to access city services and they should be ableto drive their cars to the places where they need to go.Limiting the use of cars could create real inconvenience forsome citizens.
However,there are many advantages to this idea.Firstly,itgreatly reduces inner city pollution,both by reducing thenumber of cars and by encouraging the use of publictransport.This reduction in pollution benefits everyone wholives and works in the city.Secondly,it decreases trafficcongestion and makes it easier to move around the city.Thus,businessmenfind it quicker to get to their meetings and to visitother locations either by taxi or by bus or rail transport.(249words)
Bold=present perfect tense
Italics=importanL difficult,hardeasy,possible etc
Font=introduce the topic
Model 2
Recently,there has been a huge increase in the number of carson the roads.This has caused many problems with trafficcongestion in inner city areas.Some cities have tried to solvethis problem by building motorways underground or abovestreet level.This approach has some advantages but,ingen

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