TTC means toutes taxes comprises, that means all taxes included, the only tax most often being the value added tax, VAT. In French we say TVA, Taxe à la valeur ajoutée. The VAT is calculated on the price of the product sold. The company collects the VAT and hands it over to the State. When the tax is included in the price, we say that the price is TTC and when it's not included, we say that the price is hors taxe and we write the letters HT. In principle, consumers are the only ones that pay VAT, not businesses. If the Paragem company pays VAT on the price of a computer, it can then get it back from the tax office since Paragem is a business. That's why when a business buys a product, the price before tax is given.
Ah ! (se retournant vers Daniel) Daniel, quelle est ton opinion ?
Daniel (le) :
C'est une imprimante belle (sic) !
Isabelle Mercier :
Oui, c'est une belle imprimante.
Uh-oh ! I had made another grammatical mistake ! Oh, the role of adjectives is priceless ! I must say that salesman used a lot of adjectives to promote his products. C'est un excellent ordinateur. Rapide et très puissant. L'imprimante est particulièrement rapide et c'est appréciable. C'est une machine très fiable. C'est un prix spécial extrèmementintéressant. C'est une promotion exceptionnelle. Elle a un grand bac. C'est une très belle imprimante.
It's true that the majority of adjectives are put after the noun : L'imprimante est particulièrement rapide/ C'est une machine très fiable.
But certain adjectives expressing value judgements can be put before or after the noun. If they're put before the noun, it's to emphasize their meaning. C'est un excellent ordinateur
Finally, other short adjectives are always put before the noun. Elle a un grand bac. / C'est une très belle imprimante.
Dialogue 2
Isabelle Mercier :
Bien, je prends le Logimax 420 et l'imprimante CX Tompac.
Donc, un Logimax 420, 14 896 francs... Une imprimante Tompac CX... 11 990 francs moins 20%... 9 592 francs... Ça fait 24 488 francs, plus la TVA soit un total de 29 042 francs. Voilà. Vous pouvez régler à la caisse et retirer votre matériel au premier étage.
Isabelle Mercier :
Je vous remercie.
Vendeur Ordiplus :
A votre service.
Everything had gone very quickly. I had seen the salesman fill in some documents without understanding precisely what they were. Isabelle explained to me that the salesman had filled out the order form, in French, le bon de commande and the warranty, in French le bon de garantie.
After having paid at the cash register, we were given an invoice, in French, une facture. And then, there I was on the sidewalk, with 2 enormous boxes ready to be transported. I had finally understood why Isabelle had insisted so nicely that I accompany her !